Cecilia Testa
University of Nottingham
Publications & Working Papers
Work in progress
Race, Representation and Local Governments in the US South: the effect of the Voting Rights Act , joint with Andrea Bernini and Giovanni Facchini, (2023), the Journal of Political Economy, volume 131. Press Release.
Pork, Infrastructure and Growth: Evidence from the Italian Railway Expansion (2021), joint with Roberto Bonfatti, Giovanni Facchini, Alexander Tarasov, Gianluca Tedeschi, CEPR DP16462.
The Franchise, Policing and Race: Evidence from Arrests Data and the Voting Rights Act (2019), joint with Giovanni Facchini and Brian Knight, NBER WP 27463, revise and resubmit, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
Asylum policy and illegal immigration: perspectives and challenges (2016), joint with Giovanni Facchini and Alessandra Casarico, Cesifo DICE report.
The political economy of migration enforcement: domestic versus border control (2015), joint with Giovanni Facchini, Cesifo Economic Studies, Symposium on Migration Policy.
Why do small states receive more federal monies? US Senate representation and the allocation of federal budget (2013), Lead article Economics and Politics, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 257-514.
Changing needs, sticky budget: Evidence from the Geographic Distribution of US Federal Grants (2013), joint with Valentino Larcinese and Leo Rizzo, National Tax Journal, 66, Pages 311-342.
Testing the Swing Voter Hypothesis Using Federal Spending in the US States (2013), joint with Valentino Larcinese and James M. Snyder Jr., The British Journal of Political Science,43,pages 845-875.
Is Polarization Bad? (2012), European Economic Review, Volume 56, Issue 6, Pages 1104-1118.
Bicameralism and Corruption (2010), European Economic Review, Volume 54, Issue 2, Pages 181-198. Reprinted in Design of Constitution (2012), by Stefan Voight, Economic Approaches to Law Series, R. Posner and F. Parisi eds., Edward Elgar Publishing.
The Political Economy of Public Spending: Evidence from the US States (2010), joint with James Snyder and Valentino Larcinese, in Public Choice and Political Economy, pp. 143-163, Fabio Padovano & Alessandro Petretto (eds.), Franco Angeli
Who’s against a Common Market? (2009), joint with Giovanni Facchini, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 7, No. 5, Pages 1068-1100
Fiscal Decentralization, Inequality and Bailout: Lessons from Brazil’s Debt Crisis (2008), joint with Giovanni Facchini, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 48 (2), Pages 333-344.
Allocating the US Federal Budget to the States: The Impact of the President (2006), joint with Valentino Larcinese and Leo Rizzo, Journal of Politics 68 (2): Pages 447-456.
Reform, Lobbies and Welfare: a common agency approach (2005), Public Choice, 125, 3-4: Pages 305-337.